Low Tox Lifestyle

A low tox lifestyle is all about making small, consistent adjustments to reduce your daily exposure to toxins (it’s estimated that we are exposed to 80,000 daily!) for you and your family. This journey can seem overwhelming but I want to change that and make it approachable and attainable for you. I provide assistance with how to approach a low tox lifestyle through reducing the toxins in your home, home detox guides, and vetted product recommendations.

My Services

In Home & Virtual Consulting

Let’s chat! Depending on which consultation option is best for you, we will make sure your specific goals and needs are supported to start or expand upon your Low Tox Lifestyle.

Comprehensive Detox Guides

This is the cheat sheet. My guides are packed with info, tips, and resources I’ve picked up along the way. They will save you time, money, stress, and help you know EXACTLY what purchases to make.

Currently offering Personal Care Products Detox Guide & 3 Ways To Go Low Tox Today

Products I Love

Find trusted products in one place so you can make low tox swaps easily. Organized by rooms in your home to make it as straightforward as possible for you to find exactly what you need.

About Me

I started removing toxins from my home in 2015, and although I was extremely motivated, I also became overwhelmed. I quickly learned that a “no” toxic lifestyle would be impossible - trying to achieve that would cause tremendous amounts of anxiety and stress! So I shifted my thinking to reducing the amount of toxins my family is exposed to every day by implementing small, consistent adjustments.

After 8 years (and thousands of hours) of research, trial and error of hundreds of products, and wellness benefits I experienced from this shift in lifestyle, I became a trusted resource and advisor for many friends and family on low tox living. It was so amazing to see these lifestyle changes have such a positive impact on the people I care about, so I decided to turn my passion into my business.

Nice to meet you!
